CLT Start-up Budget Template

  Use this template to create a start-up budget for your new CLT! You can download or make a copy of the Google Sheet in order to edit it. Note that there are formulas in Year 2 and Year 3 cells for most expenses, and there are formulas to calculate the sub-totals and totals.

CLT Funding Opportunities Tracker

  Use this spreadsheet to keep track of funding opportunities that may apply to your CLT! Note that this spreadsheet excludes public sector opportunities; some of these are listed here. The sheet will be updated regularly but may not always have the latest grant deadlines so keep an eye on the linked websites. Feel free…

Business Planner RFP Template

  Use this template as a starting point to develop a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an organizational business plan. Note that the scope of the project and project budget should be decided at an earlier point, when applying for funding to support the development of a business plan.

Working Group Skills Matrix

  This resource is directed at CLTs that either have not incorporated or are recently incorporating, and are in the early stages of organizational development. Use this resource to identify existing and missing skills/knowledge areas within the core group leading your CLT’s organizational development. You can respond to skills not covered by recruiting new core…

Canadian CLT Census

In 2023, the Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts partnered with Dr. Jason Spicer at the University of Toronto to carry out the first census of all active community land trusts in Canada. As of May 2023, 41 active CLTs were identified, 80% of which completed an online survey covering key organizational and portfolio characteristics.…