Our technical assistance team provides direct support to CLTs in all stages of growth. We also deliver custom workshops and trainings.

Members benefit from many services free-of-charge. Larger projects can be delivered for an affordable rate.

Need funding? We are happy to assist you in obtaining grants.

Technical Support

Hands-on technical assistance focused on organizational development.

One-off and project-based support for:

  • Defining a purpose, vision, and guiding values
  • Supporting academic research
  • Conducting housing needs assessment & gap analysis
  • Defining organizational scope and priorities
  • Creating a start-up budget & initial business planning
  • Accessing funding
  • Determining membership and governance structure
  • Pursuing Incorporation
  • Creating organizational by-laws
  • Considering charitable status or other alternatives
  • Strategic planning
  • Designing community engagement
  • Developing RFPs to attract talent
  • Hiring staff

Workshops and Trainings

Private workshops for your staff, board, working group, or organization.

Community Land Trusts 101

  • Origins & Evolutions of the CLT in US and Canada
  • The CLT Model (key features, governance, financing, growth, etc)
  • Benefits for community and government
  • Curated case studies
  • Factors for success

Board Training

A 2-hour training for emerging CLT boards. Focusing on non-profit governance and best practices for CLT boards, we tailor the presentation to your organization’s context.

Custom workshops available upon request